University of Debrecen, Doctoral School of Linguistics (UD-DSL)
- Research field: linguistics
- Type of issued academic degree: PhD
- Head of the doctoral school: Prof. Dr. Valéria Tóth
Doctoral School of Linguistics
- Administration coordinator: Lucia Szendreiné Főzy
- Place: Main Bldg. Rm 101
- Tel.: + 36 52 512 900 / ext. 27013
- E-mail:
- Website:
Faculty of Humanities
- Secretary: Dr. Ákos Szendrei
- Place: Main Bldg. Rm 15.A.
- Tel.: + 36 52 512 900 / etx. 61834
- Fax: + 36 52 412 336
- E-mail:
- Website:
- Regulations of UD-DSL (hu)
- Doctoral regulations specific to the humanities (hu)
- Doctoral regulations of the University of Debrecen (en)
The organization of UD-DSL
UD-DSL consists of two doctoral programmes.
- Doctoral programme of general and applied linguistics
Programme director: Dr. András Kertész
This programme has five subprogrammes.
Subprogrammes | Directors of the subprogrammes |
English linguistics | Dr. György Rákosi |
Theoretical linguistics | Dr. András Kertész |
German linguistics | Dr. Péter Csatár |
Romanistics | Dr. Sándor Kiss |
Computational linguistics | Dr. László Hunyadi |
- Doctoral programme of Hungarian and Finno-Ugric linguistics
Programme director: Dr. István Hoffmann
This programme has two subprogrammes.
Subprogrammes | Directors of the subprogrammes |
Finno-Ugric linguistics | Dr. Sándor Maticsák |
Hungarian linguistics | Dr. Valéria Tóth |
Admission information
Admission requirements for the English programmes of the Doctoral School of Linguistics and the detailed rules for admission are regulated by the doctoral regulations of the University of Debrecen (see here).
For regulations specific to UD-DLS, click here: How to apply to our programme.
Doctoral topics
Doctoral topics are issued by the supervisors. To see topics for international students, click here.
- Trainingplan (before 2021)
- Trainingplan (from 2021)
- End- of-semester progress report for PhD-students
Information about the PhD Procedure
The documents required for the PhD procedure are to be found on the website of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Debrecen.
PhD procedure requirements specific to UD-DSL
1. All dissertations should be subject to a preliminary defence procedure. The preliminary defence may take place only when the supervisor has deemed the dissertation appropriate for submission, the candidate cannot improve upon it, however, independent reviewers may find smaller deficiencies the elimination of which is desirable before the submission of the final version of the dissertation. The preliminary defence should be modelled after the public defence.
2. Before the review process, the dissertation submitted for preliminary defence is sent by the secretary of the doctoral school to the University and National Library (for details, see the doctoral regulations of UD) where submissions are screened for plagiarism and duplicate content.
3. Candidates should verify their scientific work. Apart from rule 9.§ (6)(b) in the regulations, students of UD-DSL should have at least one publication and one conference participation per training stage. By the end of the research and dissertation writing stage, the candidate should have at least four publications. The publications and conference participations should be closely related to the candidate’s research topic. The publications should be published in a peer-reviewed journal or a conference-proceeding that is recognized by the linguistics committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Genre-classification is based on scientometrics of the linguistics committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The publications should also be uploaded to the UD library database (DEA).
4. All dissertations should be appropriate for publications.
5. PhD students prepare for the complex examination on the basis of a reading list (compiled in accordance with the students’ research area). For more detailed information, see the doctoral regulations of UD (chapter 4, section 13. §. (1)-(9)).
Based on this list and upon consultation with the examiners, the student should prepare a 3-4 page thesis on a selected topic. This is presented at the exam, followed by questions by the examiners and the audience. The duration of the examination:
- Main subject: 1 hour
- Auxiliary subject: 30 minutes
As part of the complex examination, the candidate gives a 20-30 minute lecture about their dissertation topic, followed by a public debate.
List of subjects for the complex examination (both doctoral programmes)
- Historical linguistics
- Historical-comparative linguistics
- Phonetics and phonology
- Morphology
- Syntax
- Semantics
- Pragmatics
- Dialectology
- Sociolinguistics
- Onomastics
- The theory of science and the philosophy of linguistics
- Lexicology and phraseology
- Text linguistics
- Stylistics and rhetoric
- Psycholinguistics
- Descriptive and normative grammars
- Empirical linguistics
- Language acquisition
- Computational linguistics and lexicography
- Discourse analysis
- The Theory of Translation
The candidates should choose a main- and an auxiliary subject from the above list. The reading list and the subjects are to be understood as related to the candidate’s research area (syntax of English, syntax of German, etc.).
6. As for language requirements, UD-DSL follows the regulations of BDT-DSZ (Doctoral regulations specific to the humanities) 16.§.
Publication in UD-DLS’s online journal: ARGUMENTUM